About Bias ratings in Ground News
Ground does not independently rate news organizations on their political bias. All bias data is referenced from third-party independent organizations dedicated to monitoring and rating news publishers along the political spectrum based on published articles and news coverage.
For more information and original analysis please visit mediabiasfactcheck.com, allsides.com, and adfontesmedia.com
Using the Bias ratings for reading the news
Ground News offers users the ability to sort the available news articles in each news story by the average Bias of the news sources.
Ground News Pro also offers subscribers deeper coverage analysis showing how the news story is being covered across the political spectrum.
Bias sort feature in news story
Coverage Analysis for Pro
Accessing the Bias ratings
To see the breakdown of Bias ratings from Media Bias/Fact Check, AllSides and Ad Fontes Media, see the profile page of the news publisher in Ground News. This can be accessed via the Search feature. Each news source that has articles in Ground News also has a profile page with more detail including original Bias ratings, list of all published articles on Ground News, Related Topics and where available, Wikipedia page link and location of news publishers’ head office.
Accessing the profile for an individual News Publisher using the Search feature
Accessing Bias ratings for a news source within a news story
Calculating the Bias Rating
The Bias rating displayed on each news source in Ground News is based on the average of the bias ratings according to the three non-profit rating agencies. This Bias calculation may have 3, 2, or 1 component ratings.
3 Bias ratings available
(Center, Center, Lean Left)
2 Bias ratings available
(Center and Lean Left)
1 Bias rating available
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